Jantech Services is Featured in Energy & Infrastructure Magazine
Jantech is proud to be featured in Energy & Infrastructure – Summer 2011 issue.
Jamie Morgram, Associate Editor, interviews our founder and president Jay Nizborski, she also provides a great profile of our company from an outsiders view.
Check out a snippet of the article below
The East Coast-based Jantech Services Inc. may be in its 25th year of business but its founder and President Jay Nizborski feels the company has not yet exhausted its market.The company provides, installs, maintains and tests power protection equipment that allows technology-reliant companies to operate. It began in Florida,and in the 1990s the company opened other offices in North Carolina and Massachusetts.”As time went on we plugged people into Rhode Island, New Jersey and Virginia,”Nizborski explains. “We’ve grown as our customer’s businesses have grown.”For the last three to five years, Jantech Services has recruited field technicians beyond theEast Coast to cater to nationwide clients in states like California, Washington and Texas, but Nizborski affirms that the eastern seaboard still has plenty to offer.
Jantech Services – www.JantechUPS.com – 1800.452.6832 – web@JantechUPS.com
Corporate Headquarters: 11315 Challenger Ave, Odessa, FL 33556
Mid Atlantic: 2821 Rowland Rd, Raleigh, NC 27615
NY Metro: 333 S. 1St Street, Bangor, PA 18013
NE Region: 119 E Central St, Suite C, Franklin, MA 02038