How do you Determine the Correct UPS?
The Big Decision How do you Determine the Correct UPS? What are you going to protect? What type of UPS should you purchase?...
The Big Decision How do you Determine the Correct UPS? What are you going to protect? What type of UPS should you purchase?...
Recently Jantech Services, Inc. had a Vendor Booth at the Critical Facilities Summit Conference in Charlotte. This was a great show and conference with more than 100 Vendors participating in the trade show hall....
It used to be that in many Hospitals and Medical Complex’s that the only place that UPS's were used was in the IT department and occasionally in the Operating Rooms. In the event of a power failure all of the other test and monitoring equipment...
A company certified first responder is a person whom has had a minimum amount of training on ‘the equipment that has an issue’ and is capable of taking basic action without immediate support or outside help. Realistically however first responders are the people who...
At Jantech Services we make the safety of our clients and technicians one of our highest priorities. We are one of the only independent service providers to have a full time Safety Manager whose only job is making sure our clients and technicians are safe....
The advent of New Healthcare Initiatives has become the cause of many healthcare institutions to have to tighten their spending budgets not only for CAPEX initiatives but even more so for OPEX. At the same time there is enormous pressure on hospitals to improve quality...
This winter is becoming one the most severe in decades. As an example it is probable that Lake Superior will become fully iced over for the first time in many years. Erie, Pennsylvania has already had more than 100” of snow and it is just...
When a Preventive Maintenance event is scheduled to take place the minimum expectations you have from your Mission Critical Equipment Service Company is for the service technicians to arrive on time, be prepared and be ready to start. After all these events take planning, cooperation...
Your UPS service provider has told you that you should change your batteries in your UPS to ensure continued reliability. You know these service technicians and their company have always treated you well and have not ever tried to add extra charges or work. So...
7 Overlooked Ways to Protect Your Critical Load...