Industry Solutions


Today’s Healthcare facilities continue to require more and more UPS Power protection than ever before. From patient care, patient diagnostic testing, surgery, laboratory and IT requirements, the applications are abundant. Jantech can help with all of these requirements and more.
Medical grade UPS Systems are available for in room and mobile monitoring and treatment equipment.
Modalities such as Cath labs, MRI, PET/ CT, special procedures, Angio rooms, mammography and others can be supported with individual UPS systems or central UPS Systems serving multi-modalities.
IT departments require both data center large systems as well as IDF / MDF small systems. Jantech can provide a solution for every one of these applications.
Jantech is also active members of Multi State Hospital Engineering Associations as well as ASHE.

Data Center

Data Centers depend on 100% uptime. Interruption of data center operations can cost tens of thousands of dollars per minute. Companies are essentially out of business when data centers fail.

Jantech specializes in data center solutions. We deliver 1st in class UPS Systems, Power Distribution Equipment and Monitoring Systems to keep your operation “On”. Coupled with our expert services, Jantech is there for you from the date of installation through the life cycle of the equipment.


From TV and Radio stations, cellular providers, 911 call centers to customer service centers, power is the life blood of your operation.
Let Jantech assist you with an operational solution for your critical connections requirements.

Manufacturing and Process Control

Almost every automated manufacturing or process control system requires uninterruptible power.
Power interruptions not only result in possible equipment damage and lost materials, but most importantly it results in lost time that can’t be made up.
Jantech can deliver an appropriate solution to your power protection needs.

Other Industries

If your business depends on 100% uptime, contact Jantech for your critical power equipment solution.
We offer equipment ranging from 1 kVA to 2.1 MVA including harsh environment applications. From UPS Systems, Batteries, Chargers, Power Distribution or UL 924 Emergency Lighting Systems we have a solution for you.

Contact one of our experienced Sales Professionals for details